
05 Oct

Thursday, October 5, 6:00-9:00pm ET (eastern time)

Force of Voice: A Seminar with Jameson Fitzpatrick


Online (via Zoom)

Registration required:
Online / $100 $80
Sign-ups end October 1


What makes us recognize a poem—an image, line, or word within it—as true? This seminar will proceed from the suspicion that often, when “truth” is invoked in judgment for or against a poem, what we are really talking about is a certain conviction of voice: the force of how the poem speaks. Referring to poems by Marie Howe, Anna Świrszczyńska, Rainer Diana Hamilton, Elisa Gonzalez, Sasha Debevec-McKenney, Courtney Bush, Alice Notley, Monica Youn, and Lucille Clifton, we’ll consider the vexed possibilities of pursuing (or happening upon!) a voice that can be believed. In the latter part of the session, we’ll turn to our own work. Participants are asked to bring a draft of a poem with which they aren’t yet satisfied—that, perhaps, doesn’t feel entirely “true.”

A limited number of scholarships are available to cover or subsidize the cost of tuition. To inquire about scholarship opportunities, email

Jameson Fitzpatrick is a poet and occasional critic. The author of the poetry collection Pricks in the Tapestry (2020) and the chapbooks Mr. & (2018) and Morrisroe: Erasures (2014), she is a 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow and teaches first-year writing at New York University.

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