Award Winners
The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award - 2020
David Keplinger

Reading Emily Dickinson in Amherst Massachusetts
I know how it feels to live in a small leaden room,
with only snakes and birds as consolation. I know how
to imagine death by falling through storeys
of floorboards like a poem flutters through molecules, air
and time. It never lands in the yard. The trick
is not to die while dreaming of death. That’s why
the circle of doors and windows here remain open
a little. That’s why the poems seem always to end
on slant rhymes, and dashes. That’s why the hawthorn cone
is never quite in full bloom but almost. I too come here
respectfully. I bow, halfway at thresholds. I know how to wait
at a completely empty window, holding out my hands.