
Annual Awards

The PSA's Annual Awards are among the most prestigious honors available to poets. They offer emerging and established poets recognition at all stages of their careers, including our student poetry award and book awards for publishers.

Anna Rabinowitz Award


October 1-December 31, 2024

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The Anna Rabinowitz Prize is awarded to poets and their collaborators for venturesome, interdisciplinary work that was completed in the previous year and combines poetry with any other art or discipline.

Work that qualifies includes but is not limited to books that blend visual art and poetry, original performances of dance and poetry (or dance based on poetry) and of music and poetry (including libretti based on poetry), as well as more eclectic collaborations involving poetry and technology, the sciences or math.

Candidates are required to provide materials documenting their projects. These will be key to the judging process. Panels, discussions, and programs focused on dialogue between disciplines rather than the creation of a new work are not eligible.

The finished work should have been produced or published in 2024 but can involve or be based in part on work from any era. All are welcome to apply singly if the work involving more than one discipline has been accomplished alone.

Honorarium: $1,000 to be divided equally between or among the principals if not awarded to a single artist.


JJJJJerome Ellis
is a disabled Grenadian-Jamaican-American artist, surfer, and person who stutters. Through music, performance, writing, video, and photography, the artist asks what stuttering can teach us about justice. Born in 1989 in Groton, Connecticut, USA the artist lives in Norfolk, Virginia, USA with their wife, poet-ecologist LuĂ­sa Black Ellis. JJJJJerome dreams of building a sonic bath house!

The prize is established by the children of Anna Rabinowitz to honor her boundless curiosity, creativity, and artistic accomplishments.

Four Quartets Prize

The Four Quartets Prize is for a unified and complete sequence of poems published in America in a print or online journal, chapbook, or book.

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Chapbook Fellowships

Launched in 2003, the PSA's Chapbook Program publishes each winner's work as a gorgeous chapbook, allowing new voices to reach new audiences.

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Frost & Shelley Awards

The Frost Medal and Shelley Memorial Award recognize lifetime and mid-career achievement in poetry. By nomination only.

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