
27 Sep

Friday, September 27, 7:00pm
Brooklyn, NY

Chapbook Fellowship Winners Reading: Bridget O'Bernstein, Sahar Romani & Dujie Tahat


Poetry Society of America
119 Smith Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Standing Room Only (RSVPs have closed)


Join us for this special edition of Make Room: A New Voices Salon, featuring three recent Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship Winners.

Bridget O’Bernstein is the author of the chapbook Several American Flowers, selected for the Poetry Society of America Fellowship Prize by Eileen Myles. She is a poet from Brooklyn who received her MFA in poetry from Syracuse University. In 2022, she won the Perkoff Prize for poetry from the Missouri Review, and in 2019, the Indiana Review Poetry Prize. Her poems can be found in the Iowa Review, New Ohio Review, and the Beloit Poetry Journal, among others. She is a licensed social worker and works as a psychotherapist in New York.

Sahar Romani is the author of the chapbook The Opening, selected by Kazim Ali as a winner of a Poetry Society of America Fellowship Prize. Her poems appear in the Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-Day series, the Brooklyn Rail, the Margins, Prairie Schooner, the Yale Review and elsewhere. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Expository Writing Program at New York University.

Dujie Tahat is a Filipino-Jordanian immigrant living in Washington state. They are the author of three chapbooks: Here I Am O My God, selected for a Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship; Salat, winner of the Tupelo Press Sunken Garden Chapbook Award and longlisted for the 2020 PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry Collection; and Balikbayan, finalist for The New Michigan Press / DIAGRAM chapbook contest and the Center for Book Arts honoree. Dujie has earned fellowships from the National Book Critics Circle, Hugo House, and the Poetry Incubator, as well as scholarships from Bread Loaf and Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Along with Luther Hughes and Gabrielle Bates, they cohost The Poet Salon podcast.

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