Song of the Turkey Buzzard: On the Poetry of Lew Welch, with Gary Snyder

Lew Welch and Gary Snyder

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Co-presented with the Los Angeles Public Library.

For more information about the event visit The Library Foundation.

To purchase a broadside of "Axe Handles," signed by Gary Snyder and made exclusively for this event, visit The Library Foundation store.

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Anne Carson on Sappho

Anne Carson

Introduced by Alice Quinn.
Co-sponsored with The Culture Project.

CREATED: Wednesday, March 1, 2000

Poetry in a Time of Crisis

Billy Collins, Alastair Reid, Michael Cunningham, Eve Ensler, Yusef Komunyakaa, Stanley Kunitz, Lawrence Weschler, C.K. Williams, and Adam Zagajewski

Billy Collins reads "On Being Asked for a War Poem" and "The Stare's Nest By My Window" by W.B. Yeats.

CREATED: Monday, October 22, 2001