
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

By Fady Joudah

After gluttony the insatiable rain

Drowns the earth and all the ruins
Remain cannot be finished off

You climb up to the highest post
A lemon tree

You become visible suspected at first
Of being bird excrement
Its odd landing

Visible through the kitchen window
Of all who can dislocate you from a leaf

To the concrete with a twig
And unsure what you believe

When jabbed when your red-horned tongue flashes
Out of your grotesque head

I poke you writhe
A green juice oozes out of you the color

Of the earth you ravaged
Mint and thyme

The next day the sun
The rest of your clan
A festival on branches

Your cranium a Worf's
Your future a swallowtail

All rights reserved. Reprinted with the permission of the author.