
We were watching the Clouds That Look Like Horses Channel

By Elsbeth Pancrazi

You said it was the only thing that could relax you,
searching the white and blue
for tiny forms

trotting across the sky like gossip
Ours was a cloud of electric snow
betraying like our dirty penny moon
no head or tails

Someone smuggling intelligence
enhancing drugs across the border
had been busted

Someone someone hard at work
was now inventing a laser
to colorize sky blue

Maybe tattoo a new moon

But I remembered our moon
as though I could still hear it:
What you're feeling right now
is the momentary absence of

Savor it, interrupted a cow

Then you said, Wasn't it dark
We both knew your eyes were gone
I rubbed your feet
against the rug to spark

From Full Body Pleasure Suit (Tavern Books, 2017). All rights reserved. Reprinted courtesy of the author.