2008 Winners

The five prize-winning poems, selected from a pool of close to700 entries, represents Times Square experiences and impressions as disparate and diverse as their authors--from a father's visit to the wartime Times Square of the 1940s to a family's unlikely choice of Times Square as a place to scatter an uncle's ashes to a poem about love, heartache, movie theaters and Ella Fitzgerald.

The 2008 contest was judged by: David Lehman, Tracie Morris, and Alice Quinn.

The winners:

Steven Alvarez (New York, NY)
& So Tio & Chaley (PDF)

Timothy Donnelly (Brooklyn, NY)
My Funny Valentine (PDF)

Gretchen Fletcher (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
Two Giant Men in New York

Simone Muench (Chicago, IL)
Her Dreaming Feet

Joshua Rivkin (San Francisco, CA)
In Praise of What Will Not Last

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